Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July Update

So far I've lost about 28 of the 40 lbs. that I gained during my last pregnancy. I'm pretty much on track with the weight loss though I know that it may take me longer this time because of the extra 10 lbs. that I gained. Instead of focusing on the scale, I pulled out my pre-pregnancy shorts and I try them on each week, noting how much further I can get them on.

I'm finding that I need to walk daily. I take James and Lizzie out each morning in my double jogging stroller, and we spend 45 minutes hitting all the hills in our neighborhood. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I push myself to walk faster up the hills. We've seen a lot of wildlife on our walks, including a mama deer and her two baby fawns. When fall comes and my oldest is in school, we may have to do our walks in the afternoon. I also hope to make time to do a longer walk weekly at our local wildlife refuge.

I've been reading a wonderful book called Nourishing Traditions and incorporating some of the suggestions into my food preparations. The great thing about preparing food from scratch with little guys around is that they want to be involved in the food preparation. From picking the vegetables in our garden to washing and preparing them for freezing, my four year old is my biggest helper. When I make bread in the bread machine, my Littles want to put the ingredients in and then of course, they can't wait to taste the fresh bread.

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