Thursday, March 20, 2008

Countdown to Easter

Okay, so, like LMH, I too get so frustrated with counting, reading labels and guessing which hidden ingredients really are wheat or glutens. As a diabetic, I count carbs per meal and figure my insulin intake based on that. As a member of weight watchers in the past, I have successfully lost weight by counting points. I am now trying to count calories and fat grams and keep within a 2500 calorie and under 12 grams of fat per day. I check everything for gluten and wheat. I look for hidden high fructose corn syrup in canned and bottled products, a killer to diabetic blood sugars. On and on . . .

And then, this morning on the way to work, I hear this story on NPR about how a statin that is taken to control cholesterol may not be preventing heart disease and furthermore, maintaining a good blood sugar level as a type II diabetic, may not actually prevent anything. Egad! Listen for yourself and see what you think.

I give up. Maybe I should put that gooey syrup glaze on the Easter ham and whip my potatoes with heavy cream and butter. Or, maybe I just keep trying to eat foods that are found in nature, walking around in my natural habitat and once in awhile have that handful of M&M's that sit tempting me on a co-workers desk.

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