Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Goal

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Still Working On Weight Loss
Monday, November 17, 2008
Finally.... A Losing Week

This morning I started on Week Two, which has food suggestions that add up to 1600 calories per day. I'm actually going to Casa Manana tonight to have two chicken fajitas. That's what the plan suggests, without the guacamole and the sour cream... I'll be on 1600 calories until I hit a plateau at which time I am again supposed to try to get my metabolism back up to running order again. Curves claims that this is an eating plan that you can do for your whole life. I'd like to think it will always work this way. Anyway, I'm ecstatic about the scale for the first time in a long time. I hope you guys are doing well, too. 'Til later, Linda
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008
I am going to the gym every day except some Sundays. I do a 60 minute weight lifting workout 3 days a week and cardio every day. On the days I do weights, I do 30 minutes cardio and on the other days I do 60 minutes cardio. My big goal is to increase my minutes on the stairmaster! I started with 5 and am now at 10! For every minute I add to the stairmaster, I subtract from the arc-trainer. I usually finish my 60 min. cardio with 20 min. on the treadmill. I am not one to like to sweat but have decided that sweating is the only way to melt the pounds off!
My trainer has also asked me to follow a 1200 to 1300 calorie eating plan. I have been journaling my eating and have discovered that when I figure Weight Watcher points it comes out to be the same as I need to be eating for their program. That actually surprised me!
I hope to check in regularly and am anxious to hear from all of you.
It's Working!
Since I last checked in I have really put extra effort into my exercise and have lost two pounds. I am sticking to my morning running outside or running on the treadmill. What's changed is that I have added in evening power walks with a neighbor who is on a quest to get healthier as well. We were able to get in 15 miles of walking accomplished since last Friday. Sometimes evenings didn't always fit into our schedules but we tucked a mile in here or a mile in there and it added up.
In addition, I am doing anything physical with our boys. We went to our park with another family one night to help the boys practice baseball. I did all the base running. I don't know what that added up to mile-wise but every little bit helps! Plus we had so much fun!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Turning Over a New Leaf

With the return to Curves, I'm also looking at what I can adjust in my eating. I took the Light Way course last year about this time, and they taught a regime where you eat only when your stomach growls, not necessarily at regular meal times. Living alone, I can actually try this idea out, and I'm doing it right now. When your stomach does growl, you are supposed to eat a small something about the size of your fist. They aren't particular about the content of that food. I'm hoping that I can keep my nutrition good and eat things that are good for me. So far, after a week of doing this, my weight has gone down about a pound. We'll see what's ahead.
The high of this past week has been the fact that all of my family safely came through Hurricane Ike last week. My siblings in Houston were all without power for a substantial time, and some still are, but they had the pioneer spirit about it and survived. The low is about my sister Debbie's house in Seabrook, Texas. It took in 14 inches of water, and they don't know yet whether it's fixable or whether it will have to be razed to be built completely from scratch. Angels have appeared and she and her husband have a lovely place to stay while whatever happens now happens. A contractor is also already involved, so I thank God for watching over us all. Til later, Linda
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's time to make the change

I have a new doctor treating my diabetes. She has put me on some new medications to help assist with my resistance to insulin and to help control my cholesterol. She is a young doctor from Pakistan, and her gentle, yet knowledgeable and no nonsense nature was just the prescription I needed from my endocrinologist. She asked me, point blank, if I wanted to stay on the insulin pump. Frankly, I hadn 't ever given it much thought, assuming that living with diabetes would mean being on insulin for the rest of my life, and I have the pump, so why wouldn't I just keep using it? But she gave me some food for thought. She's put me on metformin to affect the insulin resistance of my body and told me that since it has only been six years that I have been taking the insulin, my pancreas may still be able to produce enough insulin if I can decrease my resistance. Medication, exercise and weight loss will help . . . hmmm, guess I've always "known" the path. I've been on metformin for one month, and tricor for my cholestorol as well. I go back to see her in early December. I am now starting to see my blood sugars lower in the normal range again. Exercise and weight loss are to follo

Now, about the exercise. We've as a family joined the YMCA. Marc is taking swimming lessons, and Rachel, Vickie and Micaela are anxious to start using the one by our house, and their cards will also allow them to use one within walking distance of their mom's house. Michael and I are also looking forward to starting a program to tone, tighten and help shed excess pounds. I've had some health issues that have kept me from venturing out in my usual mode of walking through the temperate months. I look forward to feeling better soon, and learning to play racquetball with Vickie. She's promised to teach me. If they have cameras on the courts, it will be one we can sell for cash, as I am sure it will be site to behold. I'll keep you updated as we work out our exercise routines.
Michael's last report at the doc was excellent, he's lost a few more pounds, down one pant size, and his medications are being absorbed. His A1C (test which measures average blood sugar levels over 3 months) was 6.2, the lowest its ever been. 6.0 or lower is where doctors want to see it. Mine was 6.8, so I'm hoping the change in medication helps get mine back to normal.
I am eating healthier, not healthy by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely with a healthier outlook. Our gluten free focus has helped make our meals more nutritional when we eat at home, and limits our family from eating out so often. We have found a few restaurants, whose gluten free menus are good, not just lists of what they serve that is gf. We like Biaggi's, Carraba's, Chili's and a new pizza place that offers a gluten free crust - Pudgy's Pizzeria. We tried it out last Monday, the pizza was awesome, and Michael ate perhaps a bit more than he should have in one sitting, but watching the joy in his face as he devoured his favorite - pepperoni, green olive and extra cheese - was awesome. He hadn't eaten pizza since February. (which could explain his keeping up with weight loss and my

I experimented with gluten free bread baking from scratch last week. I made hamburger buns to go with sloppy joes for my brother-in-law's retirement party. They tasted good, but they were so dense you could have used them for hockey pucks. Michael said they were okay hot out of the oven with butter and slathered in saucy sloppy joes. Not sure he'd use it for a hamburger yet. I used a recipe from glutenfreemama.com and her almond blend flour. Our neighbor manages the local Hy-Vee, and he's stocking the shelves with the gluten free mama flours now. I found a cornbread mix that we really like from gluten free kitchens. I've also adapted my chili recipe to use kidney beans in place of chili beans and Tones Southwest Chipotle seasoning to add extra zest.
Other updates: Vickie has passed her driver's test and now has her license. She and I share my car, this week,with Michael away in Vegas, she's getting her first round of independence by driving herself to and from school without a parent in the car. She's itching to go further and we're holding the reins tight to let her get accustomed to driving on her own and paying attention to the road. If the driving age is ever on a ballot to be raised, I think I'd vote for it. It's nerve wracking to think of these young drivers, with no fear of anything, out on the road, "finding their way in the dark." I don't know how my parents got any sleep when I was behind the wheel . . . Marc started Kindergarten and loves it. He misses his old friends but is making new ones. Vickie watches two neighbor kids and Marc after school every day. She's being really responsible, making good money and loves the kids. Marc will take sign classes again along with his swimming lessons, and he signed up for coed basketball for kindergartners at the Y. His games start in Oct. He has his jersey and wants to sleep in it every night. Not sure I am ready for this new stage of his development, but I guarantee you if he has my talent for the hoops, there will be entertaining moments on the gym floor to come!

Once upon a time, some of us set a goal to lose 10% of our body weight by Christmas. I think it is still doable if those of us who sat down and made to goal set our minds to it. My goal, lose 10 lbs by November and the rest before the holidays. Fellow b-hoppers, are you in?
Thanks, Blue Bell, for getting us motivated again. Your prompt was just what I needed to get back on track. And, I need to know - "who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?" Not me, must have been you!
Has it been that long?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Update on my progress
Basically, three days a week, I warm up and then do 2 minute fast walking intervals on the treadmill. The other two days, I use the manual incline on the treadmill and do two five minute segments. Depending on the week, I take off one or two days each week.
I picked these ideas up from The Abs Diet book. I also have been doing new versions of situps from the book to strengthen my back and abs.
The last part of my success so far is the vitamin supplements I've been taking. I started taking glucosamine from Walmart over the summer and it's made a big difference in how my body feels in the morning. I went from shuffling out of bed to almost bounding out of bed (note the almost!). My knees aren't healed enough for me to start running, but I'm okay with where I am now.
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
July Update
I'm finding that I need to walk daily. I take James and Lizzie out each morning in my double jogging stroller, and we spend 45 minutes hitting all the hills in our neighborhood. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I push myself to walk faster up the hills. We've seen a lot of wildlife on our walks, including a mama deer and her two baby fawns. When fall comes and my oldest is in school, we may have to do our walks in the afternoon. I also hope to make time to do a longer walk weekly at our local wildlife refuge.
I've been reading a wonderful book called Nourishing Traditions and incorporating some of the suggestions into my food preparations. The great thing about preparing food from scratch with little guys around is that they want to be involved in the food preparation. From picking the vegetables in our garden to washing and preparing them for freezing, my four year old is my biggest helper. When I make bread in the bread machine, my Littles want to put the ingredients in and then of course, they can't wait to taste the fresh bread.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Retreat and Rejuventate

The group of about 16 women were introduced to all kinds of prayer styles and techniques. As an ENFJ on the Myers-Briggs scale, I lean toward prayers that involve interaction of some sort like Lectio Devina or placing myself in a Bible passge and imagining what all of the people were thinking, then relating it back to my own world. The highlight and awakening experience I had this weekend was the drum prayer that we did. We were all told to remove our rings and watches and to follow the leader to the library where objects would be laid out on a carpet. We were not to speak, and we were to do whatever came naturally to us with these objects. I felt like Nancy Drew on a mystery tour.
Once we arrived in this room, laid out on the floor were drums of all shapes and shakers and tambourines of all kinds, homemade instruments and beautifully created ones. The leader quickly sat in the middle of the circle and began a drum beat on a drum that looked like it came from India or somewhere, and the beat captured us all. We picked up objects and started shaking or tapping or beating with drum sticks and making noise. The rhythms shifted and leaders emerged and the sound became gloriously loud and then soft and everything in between. We kept it going for at least thirty minutes when finally the last person put down her stick and her drum.
Afterwards we all processed what had happened for us in this drumming circle, and the reactions were all to the community feel of it and also individual experiences. I personally came to a place where I was beating a message to God, and I felt and heard him beating back a message. The dialogue was simple and very loving. I found myself smiling a lot during this exercise of the child within us all. The people who were uncomfortable with it talked of it seeming like a playground with toys they didn't want to play with anymore, and the rest of us just raved about the freeing spirit of the movements in the room. I truly felt God in our midst and have thought that something like this might be possible for ministering maybe in an old folks' home or somewhere like it. I'm going to tell my Theresian women's group about this kind of possibility.
I've come home rejuvenated in my being and soul. My body suffered a bit with the regular meals and too many choices, but I figure God is teaching me to be flexible about this kind of activity. I feel washed and refreshed and ready for more. I thought I'd just share it with all of you and hope you're finding your own pathways. God bless you all.... Linda
Monday, June 30, 2008
Round Two

My strategies all month have been to divert my attention to other things. Today, as you can see in the photo, I joined a group of beaders. The amethyst chip necklace I got as a promotion from Coldwater Creek, and the earrings and bracelet I made today. I couldn't believe it when I went to Michael's and found the exact same kind of stones. I will wear this set with pleasure.
Another diversion has been my crocheting. The blanket has grown tremendously, and I'm nearly 2/3 through. I'm still enjoying my husband's classical CDs, but over last weekend I switched to listening to a book on CD. This, too, was very pleasurable, and I plan to spend more time doing this kind of thing.
Curves is also back on my agenda almost daily during the week. Three weeks ago, I started back after six weeks off because of an injury to my left upper arm and shoulder. It feels good to be on the circuit again, and quickly my tone and my stamina have returned.
At this point, I'm praying that I can edge down int he coming month. The last two months, I've ended up even. I consider this Round Two and am ready to put on my boxing gloves if necessary to make headway. I'm going to China in October, and I'd really like to be about eight pounds lighter by then. Please wish me luck in my intentions. I'd love to hear how the rest of you are faring.... 'Til later, Linda
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Summertime Pitfalls

By the way, the irregular eating went on for a few days after Mary Lou went back home. I helped host a prewedding party for a young couple who got married on Saturday. The rich foods involved with those parties also have caused this weight gain. Then Sunday I attended the Lotus and Bamboo Festival in Port Arthur, Texas. There I tried the Vietnamese cuisine. All of these unusual bites going into my system have resulted in my weight gain this week. Wish me well as I finally get back to Curves after an injury to my left arm six weeks ago and get back on the wagon. I'll be talkin' to you, Linda
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Way To Serenity

I run a rental business, and I've been teaching part-time AP English Literature at a Catholic high school down the block until this week. Between these two endeavors, many days I have many things on my plate to accomplish. My way of making sure I sleep well at night is to "do my work, then step back" and through those efforts, I find serenity. Serenity brings me peace, and peace helps me to make better choices in my eating.
Yesterday I made a trip to Michael's to purchase the yarn that you see in the photo above. I've decided to spend lots of time this summer crocheting and listening to my husband's classical music library. It's been sitting here since I married him in 1999, and we didn't make a dent in listening to all of it. I plan to spend my days doing that. Already yesterday and today, with the time I've put into this afghan I'm making for my living room, I find that eating is far from my mind as I sit and enjoy the peace and serenity of my home while making a piece that I know I'll treasure when it's done.
My high point for this week is refinding my old love of crocheting. I haven't picked up a needle in at least 15 years, and yesterday I picked one up again. I'm loving it. My low is about the seafood again. My school is celebrating the end of the year, and every meal so far has been seafood. I haven't partaken. I plan to go to the crawfish boil tomorrow and say good-bye to everybody, but I'm sticking to my plan to end my allergic reactions to seafood.
I got my filing cabinet home from St. Louis a little while ago. That particular act is a mixture of high and low. I feel good that I've done such a good job of teaching in every year of my career really, but especially this past year, but I'm kind of sad to be at an ending point. Crocheting is going to help me not go into eating mode over this.
Wish me well, Linda
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
I skipped dinner tonight, nibbled "uncle Joe style" on what Marc didn't eat, but truth is I wasn't really hungry. We ate a good breakfast, my usual - eggs, bacon, potatoes and the homemade baked beans I made in the crock pot overnight, which smelled so good, we all decided to eat for breakfast. And they were yummy and so, so, so good! Lunch was served late, I had two ears of corn, some ham and fruit salad. So, I skipped a complete dinner, and even turned down ice cream when Michael called to offer it to the troops. Now, if only the exercise could find its way back in my routine. I can't really say I exercised much beyond climbing the stairs at the cabin - floating on a raft and riding a waverunner just doesn't count, does it?
Here is the recipe for the baked beans, they are vegetarian - though not fat free!
1 lb navy beans, washed, rinsed and soaked in water overnight.
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup pure maple syrup (b-grade preferred)
1/4 cup molasses
1 1/4 tsp dried summer or winter savory, or 2 1/2 tsps fresh
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 medium sized white onion, peeled, left whole , scored with an X at the root end and studded with 4 cloves
Boiling water to cover
1/2 cup butter or margarine, cut into pieces
After beans have soaked over night, drain and rinse. Cover the beans with fresh water by 3 inches, cover and cook on HIGH for 1 1/2 hours (crock pot) until still undercooked. Drain.
Return the beans to the crockpot and add all but onion, cloves and margarine. Stir well. press the whole onion down into the center of the beans. Add boiling water to cover by 1/2 inch, stir gently. Cover and cook on HIGH to bring to boil, then reduce heat to LOW and cook until the beans are soft, thick and bubbling - about 10-12 hours.
Remove onion and stir in the butter until melted. Taste for seasoning.
I suppose you could make this and skip the butter, but I admit, I didn't. I also did as directed and removed the onion, though next time I may just chop it into the beans, as I love onion, even though, after 12 hours all the taste was already in the beans.
This recipe is gluten free and, as I said, not fat free, but if anyone tries them without the butter and it tastes good, let me know. When I have time I'll figure the carbs per serving. Makes 6-8 total.
My high for the weekend was getting away and relaxing a bit. My low was not getting anything accomplished around the house.
Goal for the week, add back the exercise and clean out the closets in our bedroom. Both are extremely ambitous for me. I suppose at some point I should get back on the scale and face the music, perhaps the week after next . . .
Friday, May 23, 2008
Checking In
This week I did find myself getting stronger as I added hills to my walks and as I added more ab work to my evening routine. Being physically stronger makes such a difference in how I deal with my day. I had a particularly difficult time with this last pregnancy because of various physical ailments and lack of exercise, and now I'm so excited to be getting back to my usual level of fitness. I'm even considering getting back into running, a longtime love of mine, though my knees and hips may not cooperate.
My walking goal next week is to add another hill to the two hills I did this week, plus increase my time from 30 minutes to 40 minutes. I'll stay with my current evening routine and add in a short set of weights for my arms. I got a Vegetarian cookbook out from the library and I'll be playing around with recipes from that for myself and the kids.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Blue Glass High

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Catching Up
My husband's nephew just e-mail me and asked for prayers for his 45 year old wife who is being diagnosed with cancer. With two small children, thats a stressor. My ongoing back problems seem miniscule by comparison.
I guess my best stress reliever is listening to music, and if no one is around, singing my heart out.
oh, in the day, I used to have a fine voice, but age and lack of use have led to a loss of range and most times I adapt my singing to my alto capabilities.
I find that good friends with listening ears have been a huge stress reliever, too. A few in particular, who I know won't judge me and my idiosyncracies, are a God-send. Family dynamics, and interfering clients who are demandng are my biggest stressors I guess. And, I've found as I grow older, that over-scheduling myself can also lead to stress with a capital "S". The old "I'm not as young as I used to be" takes some getting used to.
But I consider myself fortunate that for the most part, my life is good. I have caring family, and friends, and they ar my greatest gift.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Stress and the Lawn mower . . .

Michael had a meeting after work, so before I fixed dinner, I decided to mow the lawn. Mind you, I haven't mowed in probably more than 25 years - not since we moved off the acreage and had our own plot to mow or the summer Dad volunteered his kids to mow the city park. After I had the neighbors on both sides consult me on starting the mower, I finally got it going and cut the grass in the front lawn. Strangely enough, even though I ache from the vibration of the mower and my back is killing me, the process of cutting the grass and digging the dandelions was somewhat of a stress relief. I proceeded to make dinner consisting of braised pork loin, brown rice and green beans. It was yummy and nutritious! I also made some gluten free meatballs and sauce for Michael to serve for dinner tonight, as I will be working late. I did two loads of laundry and uploaded a couple of batches of pictures to Snapfish. The ones on this post are part of the group, our family's recent attendance at the sold-out Husker Spring game.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
An Introduction
At two weeks post-partum, I've been setting goals in walking, stretching, strength-training, and drinking water for myself. I have a Franklin Covey planner which allows me to do a master task list for the week, but print it daily. As I do each task, I cross off a hash mark. Some days I get all the hashmarks crossed off, and other days only one. It's like stringing a necklace; the beads start to add up and make something bigger than the individual beads.
In terms of stress relief, walking, gardening, working on a creative project like knitting or embroidery, reading, and baking are all things I do when I'm feeling stressed. Taking a computer break to read some craft blogs can help give me space to deal with the stress. However, when at least two kids are screaming at once, I have to stick it out and figure out which kid will calm down first and work with them. I learned in college when I started long-distance biking, that hills/stress can be our friends if we learn how to stick it out and manage the stress. My final stress relief is being conscious of the rhythm of the day. We stay home a lot because it's tough to move four little people in and out of the mini-van and in and out of stores. By staying home, we can stick to a predictable routine and have lots of space in our day for playing, reading books, working on stuff around the house. If we do need to get out, I'm mindful of how long we'll be out, and ways that I can make coming home easier like buying McDonald's after a doctor's appointment rather than trying to make lunch when we get home.
I'm looking forward to sharing my progress and will be checking in weekly.
Monday, May 12, 2008

Some new features
I am also interested in stress reducers. Life has been full of stresses of late, both at work and at home. We are still acclimating our 16 year old to our home, I am finding the demands on me at work have increased of late and M's work is also picking up. Our basement is under remodel, from the intake of water last spring, and we desperately need to put siding on our house and do some serious landscaping. I know that many people get much stress relief from home improvement projects and from gardening, I find neither of them particularly stress relievers or really that enjoyable.
Stress causes me to be careless with what I eat and what I do. Not a good state of mind to be in for the purpose of this blog. But, I will find a focus and find a place to put my thoughts that are happy and productive and relieve some of the stress that I currently feel.
Tomorrow I attend a funeral for a former neighbor of our family growing up. Dolly was one of those women from a generation ago, that defined what it meant to be a neighbor of the 1970's. I have the fondest memories of sitting on the neighbors deck, our mothers in nightgowns and kids in our pajamas, eating popcorn, drinking "zooper doopers" and laughing a lot. Dolly was a part our my childhood, a good friend to my mother and witness to many "incidents" in the life of our family. Thinking about her in a fond way, has already worked a bit of stress from my system.
I had a long talk with Linda last week. She called to check on the wedding plans of M's oldest. Wedding plans have become a source of stress, but Linda's listening ear and understanding response was just what I needed to relieve it for the moment. She's planning to be in Nebraska for the wedding in August, and I can connect her with other B-Hop'rs while she is here.
I am ready to update our spreadsheet. At last count, about two weeks ago, we were at a net loss of 73 lbs - wherever you are, please let me know and I'll update it again. I'm back to where I started and looking for ways to focus and get back on track to lose my 20lbs by August. Ditching some stress along the way is bound to help.
Thursday, May 1, 2008

One of the things that I have in store is my continuation down the scale. I weighed in this morning and compared my weight with April 1. I lost three pounds in April. That's not as much as I was hoping for, but it IS progress, and that's consoling to me. I know that if I continue to "like what I'm eating," I'll gradually get there. May we all find success in May. I'm looking forward to it. Retirement stretches out before me... Til later, Linda
Friday, April 25, 2008
It's Not a Sprint, It's a Marathon...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Second Chance
I know I am not the only member of this blog who's struggling, which is why we haven't seen a grand total in the last two weeks. I was on vacation, than M was gone, now I am out of town again, so I have a multitude of excuses as to why I haven't "been good" lately. So what now?
For me, I am going to quit "trying" to lose weight, eat better and exercise, and I am going to do it, and when I stumble, I will expect any one of you out there in blog land to nudge, push and prod me to hold myself accountable for my life - my weight, my health and my ability to assist others, especially our daughters and son who need to look to M & I for their inspiration as to how they take responsibility for the outcomes of their lives, especially food choices, opportunities to exercise and knowing when they need to stop.
So, I take my mulligan and I start again. Thanks for being there to keep me honest and focused.
Monday, April 21, 2008
To Be Thin...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Vacations: are they bad for your weight loss goals?
I braved the scale on Sunday and I'd lost two more pounds which really astounded me. Of course I didn't have a cheese steak sandwich, either.
I've found that eating my major meal early in the day (1-2 PM) and then eating light in the evening is helpful both for weight loss and for my diabetes. And snacking? "Bet you can't eat one" of no matter what it is, so best not to start!
Monday, April 14, 2008
A New Dawn?

week five
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Spring Break

I managed to walk about three days, once with M to get our EZpass, which was about a mile and a half walk in downtown Philly. V & I went to taking the stairs down from the Penthouse floor of the building we stayed in to our 5th floor apartment, I didn't try going all the way up, perhaps I'll be able to tackle that on the next trip.
Highlights of the trip for me were: Seeing so many family members and friends at the shower for K & E. M's sister, KHH, and good friend Vee, threw a nice party, with great food and so many family members and family friends were present, many traveling several hours to be with us; our day spent in Cape May, we had a chilly walk on the beach, brunch at Uncle Bill's Pancake House (I got my potato pancake fix), trolley tour and tour of Physick Mansion, shopping, ever so briefly at Washington Street Mall, quick trip to the Lighthouse and dinner at the Lobster House; Spending time with LMH and family; our trip to Philly suburbs to have lunch with cousins and aunts; a horse and carriage ride through historic sites in Philly; my lunch time with KHH and a relaxing dinner on the "veranda" soaking up some sun and margarita's as we faced our last night in the city. We left Philly Friday morning, not without stopping for a real Philly cheesesteak from Dominick, a street vendor we've come to know. Poor M, had to settle for a few bites of the cheese
steak I handed him off of mine, but we all got a taste of this Philadelphia favorite. Our trip home was uneventful, other than hitting some heavy rain outside of Toledo. We stopped for lunch in Iowa City to meet an old college friend of mine, before arriving home around 7 p.m. M, left this morning for a business trip to Philly, and I leave next week for Denver. April will fly by into May for all of us.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday Review
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Are You Up To Date?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Getting back on track
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Week Four
Monday, March 31, 2008
A month? Really??

I can finally share some pictures. This first is one taken after church on Easter Sunday, it was quite an ordeal to snap it of ourselves. I ended up resting the camera on our rail between family room and kitchen, and when the picture snapped, the camera bounced to the floor - oops! We are all wearing our corsages and boutonniere that M bought us for Easter. It was a good day for us as a family, surrounded by our local family members.
We leave for Philly on Friday, so I am concentrating on eating well this week and packing the van with healthier snacks; fruit, popcorn, cheese, milk and water for drinking, and avoiding the fast food, which I have successfully steered clear of this past month. I made some gluten free muffins for M to take on the road with us, the kids tried them out tonight and proclaimed them yummy! We're making our lunches along the way, to save cash and calories, I even purchased a loaf of gluten free bread for M's sandwiches. I found some organic milk in small cartons for the kids and will brew some ice tea for M & I to drink in place of soda's on the road.
Last week, our father had a pacemaker installed to regulate his heart rate. We all gathered throughout the day to check in on him, and afterwards my sisters, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and I went out for a Mexican meal, complete with a margarita. I tried not to over indulge, although I am still a danger around chips and salsa or any other salty snack, and still need to teach myself to not just habitually grab, stuff and chew around such temptations. Here is a picture of the sisters, as we completed our Mexican meal and try to picture our more slender selves in the future. It wasn't the best week for exercise, cruddy weather, and busy schedule. This week is starting out not conducive to keeping up with a daily routine of walking, so I'll really try to capture a moment when it presents itself to get out and move, even if it is just for a few minutes a day.
So, for next week, my specific goals are:
- concentrate on enjoying time with family we see less frequently
- use the time in our van to talk with kids and get connected to what's going on in school and in their minds
- open my mouth to visit and not to stuff full of food
- take advantage of staying in the city and walk daily
- race the kids to the top of the lighthouse on Cape May, NJ
- come home at the very least weighing the same as when I left!
I ran into cousin CAB at church on Sunday, she's been afraid to report in because she doesn't want to skew our numbers. I assured her to keep in touch and keep at it, we are all bound to have our moments where we struggle and get off course, but there is definitely power and strength in numbers, so hang in there CAB and keep us posted on your progress.
One last note, M, V and I are hooked on John Adams on HBO. We are all anxious to visit the historic places of our founding fathers while in Philadelphia, even though we've been to many of the places before, we have a renewed interest in seeing the place where our country declared its independence. What heroes these men, who fought for the freedoms we take for granted and made such personal sacrifices to create a country where freedom reigns.
End of Week One

Month One Report
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Last Week In Review
Due to a UTI, I lost another two pounds: Bactrim makes me nauseous so I eat very little. But all in all, I felt it was another crawl forward thanks to reporting in on the blog and knowing that there's support out there.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Staying The Course
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Third Week
Welcome TAB and LO to the blogsite, looking forward to hearing from both of you!
We tried a new soup recipe tonight - Chicken & Barley (or Brown Rice) Chili - 12 servings
1 can diced tomatoes (undrained)
8 0z can of tomato sauce
1 quart chicken stock
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 can - beans drained and rinsed (can use pinto, cannelini, black or kidney beans)
1 can whole kernel corn (undrained)
3 cups cooked chicken breast cut up
1 cup barley (uncooked)
Mix all together in crock pot, cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours. Garnish with sour cream and shredded cheese to serve.
Gluten free note: use gf canned products. substitute brown rice for barley to make this gluten free.
diabetes: 25 grams of carb per serving
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I'ts Working!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Physical therapy today

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Right Back at ya' Rainbow Sherbert Girls!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! This is a picture of J. and I outside right before the big egg hunt. What a beautiful day we had! My husband likes to stick to traditional foods for the holidays. He is wonderful about eating plenty of ground turkey and chicken with lots of veggies during the week but as he puts it " don't mess with the holidays!" So basically nothing is low fat. However, we have chosen to have very few snacks before the meal and this year we gave up "THE GRANDS" (you know, those really fattening delicious rolls by Pillsbury). Those small changes can add up along the way.