Thursday, April 24, 2008

Second Chance

It happens in a nanosecond for me. I one day wake up, get on the scale, only to see that I am right back where I started. "What happened?", I say to myself, "you've been good, you've been eating better, you've been trying to get exercise whenever you can . . " Recently I was trying to inspire our in-house teenager to want to do better than average in her classes at school. I kept asking her repeatedly if she thought she was working as hard as she could to do all that she was capable of, and I finally saw her stop think and consider the fact that maybe she could do more. Now I have to ask myself that same question - "am I really doing all I can to take charge of my health, weight and eating?" The honest answer is no. So, I am implementing a new B-Hop rule, that is the one where we all get a second, third, fourth chance, whatever we need to keep on track.

I know I am not the only member of this blog who's struggling, which is why we haven't seen a grand total in the last two weeks. I was on vacation, than M was gone, now I am out of town again, so I have a multitude of excuses as to why I haven't "been good" lately. So what now?

For me, I am going to quit "trying" to lose weight, eat better and exercise, and I am going to do it, and when I stumble, I will expect any one of you out there in blog land to nudge, push and prod me to hold myself accountable for my life - my weight, my health and my ability to assist others, especially our daughters and son who need to look to M & I for their inspiration as to how they take responsibility for the outcomes of their lives, especially food choices, opportunities to exercise and knowing when they need to stop.

So, I take my mulligan and I start again. Thanks for being there to keep me honest and focused.

1 comment:

JH said...

Oh, Lindy: the analogy you make with your trying to motivate V to do all she needs to do scholastically, is so apt. Its my opinion that its so much easier to "be good" when we're on a predetermined schedule. When we deviate, it all goes out the window.

With a life such as you lead, the breaks and interuptions for both you and M, it appears to me that you need to keep your head in your own goals, no matter where you are.

When you're home, cooking less so there is only one serving per person, could help everyone to stay on track. Portion control (how much we ingest) is every bit as important as what we eat, as you already know.

I know I have to rethink "how much" when I cook because leftovers become another helping for each of us, and we don't need it.

YOu're on th eright track; just keep up your previous good work and you'll see impressive results.
Focus on YOU!